Regular Meeting of Pitt Meadows City Council to be held on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 07:00 PM by Video Conference.

Please join Mayor Dingwall and Council in acknowledging that we meet on the traditional territory of Katzie First Nation

A link to the livestream of this meeting’s proceedings will be available at shortly before the meeting begins.

The recording will then be uploaded to the City’s website the following day and available as a recorded archive.





THAT the agenda for the July 7, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council be approved.


NEW!  Members of the public are now able to call into Question & Comment Period during Tuesday Council meetings to speak LIVE to Council. Phone-in details are provided in each agenda, as well as on the City website and the YouTube livestream page.

1. Watch the livestreamed meeting - the link is available each week at

2. Once Question & Comment Period begins:

a. MUTE the livestream (there’s a delay between the live meeting and the livestream which is disorienting);

b. Call into the meeting on your phone by dialing 778.907.2071;

c. Enter the following information on your phone keypad when prompted:

i. Meeting ID:  986 2874 0802

ii. Participant ID - ignore by pressing #

iii. Password:  037006

Community members can still participate in Question & Comment Period by sending an email to [email protected]. Emails received prior to the meeting will be read out during the first Question & Comment period, in the order that they are received. Emails received during the Council meeting, pertaining to decisions made by Council that evening, will be prioritized and read during the second Question & Comment Period. A maximum of 15 minutes will be spent on each Question & Comment Period. Any questions received that are not addressed during the Council meeting will be responded to via email after the meeting. Please see Section O for correspondence guidelines and protocol for Question & Comment Period during this time.


THAT the Minutes of the following Council meetings be approved as circulated:

(1) June 23, 2020 Special (Pre-Closed) Meeting of Council (Page 1).

(2) June 23, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council (Page 3)






1. Foundry Ridge Meadows

Alicia Erenli, Program Supervisor, and Dr. Smita Naidoo, Child Psychiatrist, to present an overview of services provided by Foundry Ridge Meadows, highlighting the importance of connecting youth to mental health supports.

2. Vancouver Fraser Port Authority (VFPA) Update on Pitt Meadows Road and Rail Improvements Project (Page 12)

Peter Cohen, Manager of Infrastructure Delivery and invited colleagues from VFPA will provide an update on the Kennedy Road overpass and the next engagement session.

3. 2019 Annual Report and Financial Statements

Mark Roberts, CAO, and Cheryl Harding, Director of Financial Services, to present the 2019 Annual Report and Financial Statements to Council.

Link to online report -




THAT the following items be received into the record and respective Staff recommendations, where applicable, be approved by Council:

(1) Emergency Operating Funding for Municipalities & Transit (Page 44) Email request from Janet Andrews, Secretary-Treasurer from the New Westminster & District Labour Council, dated June 25, 2020 requesting Council consider a proposed motion in support of emergency funding for municipalities and transit in conjunction with the Canadian Labour Congress. Proposed Motion for Local Governments: BECAUSE our local city and town councils, big or small, rural or urban are on the front lines of some of the most pressing challenges facing Canada; BECAUSE municipal workers are on the front lines delivering the public services that keep us safe during the COVID-19 crisis; BECAUSE municipal revenues are collapsing and unanticipated costs are soaring; BECAUSE without financial help, cities and towns will be forced to cut vital local services our families and communities rely on; BECAUSE public transportation makes our communities more livable, accessible and fights climate change; The City of Pitt Meadows strongly urges the federal and provincial governments to provide emergency operating funds to protect vital local services, including public transportation and emergency services.

(2) Launch of Canadian Federation of Independent Business #SmallBusinessEveryDay Campaign (Page 46)  Letter addressed to Laura Jones and Samantha Howard, Canadian Federation of Independent Business, dated June 30, 2020, regarding partnership and support of CFIB's launch of the #SmallBusinessEveryDay campaign.


1. Fire & Rescue Services - Departmental Update

Fire Chief Mike Larsson to provide a departmental update to Council on operational priorities and challenges in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Revised North Lougheed Study Area Land Use Plan and Development Policies (File 13-6520-20/19 NLSA)(Page 48)

THAT Council:

A. Receive for information the report titled "Revised North Lougheed Study Area Land Use Plan and Development Policies" dated June 24, 2020; AND

B. Direct staff to prepare an amendment to the City of Pitt Meadows Official Community Plan Bylaw 2352, 2007 to incorporate the North Lougheed Study Area Land Use Plan and Development Policies document, dated June 24, 2020; AND

C. Direct staff to prepare an application to Metro Vancouver to amend the Regional Growth Strategy, Metro 2040, to accommodate the North Lougheed Study Area Land Use Plan; OR

D. Other.

3. UBCM Community Excellence Awards Application (File 05-1610-01/20) (Page 74)

THAT Council:

A. Approve and support an application to the ’UBCM 2020 Community Excellence Awards’ program for the creation of the COVID-19 Financial Relief Grant Program; OR

B. Other.

4. Ministerial Order M192: Use of Live Streaming During COVID-19 Pandemic  (File 01-0550-01/20)(Page 77)

THAT Council:

A. Regarding Regular Council Meetings:

A.1 Continue to hold regular Council meetings via electronic means until September 2020, when in-person council meetings will be resumed, assuming renovations to the Council Chamber are completed to allow for physical distancing, and a second wave of COVID-19 infection rates has not been announced; AND

A.2 Affirm that all regular Council meetings will be live streamed to ensure openness and transparency; AND

A.3 Affirm the continued use of alternate means for Question & Comment period until Council resumes in-person meetings, including email submissions and live phone call-in, to provide for continued public engagement; AND

B. Regarding City Committee Meetings:

B.1 Direct Staff to live stream City committee meetings that are held electronically, until such time as in-person committee meetings are resumed; AND

C. Regarding Pre-Closed Council Meetings:

C.1 WHEREAS pre-closed meetings are currently held via electronic means as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; AND

C.2 WHEREAS pre-closed meetings are held for the sole purpose of passing a resolution to close a Council meeting; AND

C.3 WHEREAS pre-closed meetings last for 45-60 seconds; AND

C.4 WHEREAS there is no Question & Comment period included on the pre-closed agenda and thus the exclusion of the public does not reduce public engagement; AND

C.5 WHEREAS no members of the public have chosen to attend a pre-closed meeting in more than three years; AND

C.6 WHEREAS pre-closed agendas are posted on the City website for easy public access and to ensure openness and accountability;

C.7 THEREFORE Council affirms that pre-closed Council meetings will not be live streamed; OR

D. Other.

5. Q3 2020 Strategic Priorities Quarterly Report (File 0620-04/20)(Page 97)

THAT Council:

A. Approve the operational strategies for Q3 2020 as presented to Council on July 7, 2020 in the ’Q3 2020 Strategic Priorities Quarterly Report’; OR

B. Other.


1. Rezoning Application for 18385 Old Dewdney Trunk Road (File 3360-20-2020-02)(Page 102)

THAT Council:

A. Grant first and second readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2860, 2020; AND

B. Schedule a public hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2860, 2020 during an upcoming Regular Meeting of Council; AND

C. Should Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2860, 2020 be adopted, register a covenant on title for 18385 Old Dewdney Trunk Road that limits the non-farm uses to the existing owners; OR

D. Other.

2. Building Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 2859, 2020(Page 122)

THAT Council:

A. Adopt Building Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 2859, 2020; OR

B. Other.

3. Development Variance Permit Application for the New Fire Hall (File 3090-20-2020-04)(Page 126)

THAT Council:

A. Direct staff to notify surrounding residents that Development Variance Permit No. 2020-004 for the City’s new fire hall to vary height, setbacks and parking at 19240 122A Avenue will be considered at an upcoming Regular Meeting of Council; OR

B. Other.





The following guidelines apply to correspondence submitted for Question and Comment Period: 
* All questions and comments must be submitted via email to [email protected]
* Only one (1) email per community member will be considered per Question and Comment period;
* Each email submission must include a subject line identifying the topic of the email, as well as the community member's full name and city of residence. 
* Presentation materials, including PowerPoints, videos and handouts, will not be accepted or presented to Council.
* Communications will NOT be announced or heard by Council during Question and Comment Period if the communication pertains to any of the following:
* Any matter pertaining to a bylaw or zoning application that is the subject of a public hearing and has not yet been adopted;
* Any matter that is before the courts, has been the subject of a claim for damages, or pertains to active requests for proposals; 
* Requests for financial or in-kind support;
* The promotion of commercial goods or services;
* Other topics deemed inappropriate, vexatious, frivolous, defamatory in nature, or contain abusive language.
* The Corporate Officer reserves the right to limit or defer questions and comments from the public due to time constraints or inappropriate content.


Council's Strategic Priorities are included in each Council Meeting Agenda for reference. (Page 148)

No Item Selected