Regular Meeting of Pitt Meadows City Council to be held on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 07:00 PM by Video Conference.

Please join Mayor Dingwall and Council in acknowledging that we meet on the traditional territory of Katzie First Nation

A link to the livestream of this meeting’s proceedings will be available at shortly before the meeting begins.

The recording will then be uploaded to the City’s website the following day and available as a recorded archive.





THAT the agenda for the April 13, 2021 Regular Meeting of Council be approved.


Maximum fifteen minutes at the beginning of the meeting and maximum fifteen minutes at the end of the meeting.  Please refer to speaking guidelines in Section O as they pertain to the Question and Comment period.


THAT the Minutes of the following Council meetings be approved as circulated:

(1) March 9, 2021 Special (Pre-Closed) Meeting of Council (Page 1).

(2) March 9, 2021 Special (Public) Meeting of Council (Page 3).

(3) March 29, 2021 Special (Pre-Closed) Meeting of Council (Page 12)




1. Katzie First Nation Translation Signage Unveiling

Diane Chamberlain, Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture, to introduce a video of Mayor Dingwall and Chief George unveiling two signs recently translated into Katzie First Nation language.

2. Become an ESS Volunteer for Pitt Meadows Emergency Support Services

Barbara Morgan, Emergency Program Manager, to present a video created to raise the profile of the ESS program and to encourage  volunteers ahead of Volunteer Week, April 18 - 24, 2021.


1. Vancouver Fraser Port Authority - Spring 2021 Update (Page 14)

Peter Cohen, Manager, Infrastructure Delivery and Joelle Westlund, Manager, Project Communications from the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority ["VFPA"], to present an overview of their Spring update relating to the noise study and track configuration associated with the Road and Rail Improvement project.




THAT the following items be received into the record and respective Staff recommendations, where applicable, be approved by Council:

(1) Re: Emergency Medical Care in B.C. (Page 22) Letter dated March 10, 2021 addressed to Health Minister Adrian Dix regarding service level impacts associated with staffing shortages with BC Ambulance Services.

(2) Raise Disability and Income Assistance to a Livable Rate (Page 29) Letter dated March 11, 2021 from the City of Langley regarding a recent motion intended for UBCM recommending advancement of the permanent reinstatement of the automatic, $300/month benefit for people receiving disability benefits and income assistance and move to raise disability and income assistance to a livable rate that is above the market basket measure (MBM).

(3) COVID-19 Immunization Clinics for Pitt Meadows (Page 32) Correspondence from Fraser Health Authority dated March 8, 2021, outlining the COVID-19 Immunization Clinics within the Fraser Health region, eligibility and how to book your appointment.

(4) Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA) and the National Network for Equitable Library Services (NNELS) - Funding Update (Page 35) Correspondence received from Scott Hargrove, Chief Executive Officer with Fraser Valley Regional Library, regarding Council support for sustainable funding for the continued production of accessible reading materials.

(5) Comparative Site Evaluation on the Proposed CP Logistics Park (Page 38) Correspondence from Jeff Edwards, CP Rail, dated March 17, 2021 with response to key topics outlined in the City's analysis of CP's comparative site evaluation.

(6) Memo to Council - 2021 City Committees Membership Update (Page 41) Memo to Council to summarize the retired, current and newly appointed members to each City committee.


1. Community Recovery Investment Program - FireSmart Economic Recovery Fund Grant Application Approval (File 14-7130-01/21)(Page 43)

Barbara Morgan, Emergency Program Manager, to present a grant opportunity to Council to help fund important components of the City's Emergency Program.

THAT Council:

A. Direct staff to make an application to the Community Recovery Investment Program - FireSmart Economic Recovery Fund, in the amount of $48,800 to fund the development and implementation of a FireSmart Plan for Farming and Agriculture; OR

B. Other.

2. UBCM Emergency Preparedness Fund - Grant Application Approval Revised Council Resolution (File 14-7130-01/21)(Page 46)

Barbara Morgan, Emergency Program Manager, to present an update to Council regarding the February 23, 2021 Council approved grant application to purchase an Emergency Support Services (ESS) trailer and mass care supplies.

THAT Council:

A. Direct staff to amend the City’s regional application to the UBCM Community Emergency Preparedness Fund - ESS Supplies, to request $36,000, on behalf of Katzie First Nation and the City of Pitt Meadows, to purchase a trailer and additional mass care supplies, with Pitt Meadows being the primary applicant and lead on the project; OR

B. Other.

3. Update on Environmental Study of CP Rail Operations (Page 50)

Colin O'Byrne, Project Manager of Community Development, to provide an update to Council on City staff's review of background materials; information received from Metro Vancouver's Air Quality and Fraser Health staff; and, how the collected information has informed the study of CP Rail operational impacts on air quality and community health.

THAT Council:

A. Receive for information the staff report, "Update on Environmental Study of CP Rail Operations", dated March 26, 2021; OR

B. Other.

4. Pitt Meadows Economic Development Corporation - 2021 AGM (File: 13-6750-01)(Page 59)

Kate Barchard, Corporate Officer, to present the annual motion required to complete the requirements in order to maintain the Pitt Meadows Economic Development Corporation in good standing, as per the Business Corporations Act of B.C.

THAT Council:

A. As the sole shareholder of the Pitt Meadows Economic Development Corporation (the "Company"), and pursuant to section 182(2)(b) of the Business Corporations Act (the "Act"), consent by resolution to all of the business required to be transacted at the Company’s annual general meeting on this day of April 13, 2021; AND

B. Adopt and confirm all lawful acts, contracts, proceedings, appointments and payments of money by the Directors of the Company since the last annual reference date of the Company, and which have previously been disclosed to the shareholder; AND

C. Pursuant to section 200 of the Act, relieve the Directors from their obligation to produce and publish the financial statements of the Company for the period ended December 31, 2020; AND

D. Appoint KPMG as auditors of the Company until the next annual reference date of the Company or until a successor is appointed, at a remuneration to be fixed by the Company’s Directors; AND

E. Confirm the following 7 members of Pitt Meadows City Council as the Directors of the Company: Bill Dingwall, Mike Hayes, Nicole MacDonald, Bob Meachen, Tracy Miyashita, Gwen O’Connell, and Anena Simpson; OR

F. Other.

5. Q2 2021 Strategic Priorities Quarterly Report (File: 0620-04/20)(Page 63)

Mark Roberts, CAO, to provide an overview of the operational strategies proposed for Q2 2021.

A. Approve the operational strategies for Q2 2021 as presented to Council in the ’Q2 2021 Strategic Priorities Quarterly Report’ dated March 22, 2021; OR

B. Other.

6. Economic Development Advisory Committee - Establishment Approach Update (File 6750-01)(Page 71)

Anne Berry, Director of Planning & Development, to present a timeline to Council outlining the steps and schedule associated with launching the new Economic Development Advisory Committee ["EDAC"].

THAT Council:

A. Receive for information the staff report titled "Economic Development Advisory Committee - Establishment Approach Update" dated April 06, 2021; OR

B. Other.


1. 2021 Financial Plan & Utility Fee Bylaws (File 05-1700-01/21)(Page 195)

Cheryl Harding, Director of Financial Services, to present the 5-year financial plan and utility rate bylaws.

THAT Council:

A. Grant first, second and third readings to the 2021 to 2025 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2882, 2021; AND

B. Approve updated Policy C049 - Revenue and Taxation for inclusion as an attachment in Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2882, 2021 as required by the Community Charter; AND

C. Grant first, second and third readings to the Drainage System Protection Amendment Bylaw No. 2887, 2021; AND

D. Grant first, second and third readings to the Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drain Amendment Bylaw No. 2885, 2021; AND

E. Grant first, second and third readings to the Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Amendment Bylaw No. 2886, 2021; AND

F. Grant first, second and third readings to the Waterworks Amendment Bylaw No. 2884, 2021; AND

G. As per the authority granted through Ministerial Order M192 [local government meetings and bylaw process (COVID-19) Order No. 3], ADOPT the

G.1 2021 to 2025 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2882, 2021; AND

G.2 Drainage System Protection Amendment Bylaw No. 2887, 2021; AND

G.3 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drain Amendment Bylaw No. 2885, 2021; AND

G.4 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Amendment Bylaw No. 2886, 2021; AND

G.5 Waterworks Amendment Bylaw No. 2884, 2021; OR

H. Other.

2. AutoCanada Development Permit Application for Vehicle Dealerships, 12150 Golden Ears Way (File: 3060-20-2018-07)(Page 217)

Anne Berry, Director of Planning & Development, to present the Development Permit application with supplemental information and revisions.

THAT Council:

A. Receive the report titled "AutoCanada Development Permit Application for Vehicle Dealerships, 12150 Golden Ears Way" dated April 7, 2021; AND

B. Approve issuance of Development Permit No. 2021-001 for car dealership buildings at 12150 Golden Ears Way; OR

C. Other.





This meeting's proceedings will be broadcast live via the city's website and available as a recorded archive from the city's website over the internet, worldwide. The name and address of speakers and any comments made during the question period will form part of the public record.
As per the Community Charter (ss. 132-133), the Chair at a council meeting must preserve order. If the Chair considers that another person at the meeting is acting improperly or disrupting the council meeting, that person's behavior will be addressed. The Chair may order the person expelled from the meeting should the person choose to not adhere to the decisions of the Chair.
The following guidelines apply to the Question and Comment Period for all Council Meetings:
* Maximum time of Question & Comment Period is fifteen minutes at the beginning of the meeting and fifteen minutes at the end of the meeting;
* Each person appearing before Council is limited to one question or comment per person until all persons have had an opportunity, then to a maximum of three questions or comments;
* Persons present at the meeting are welcome to ask questions or comments on city-related topics; 
* Questions or comments should stay within a time frame of 3 minutes, which includes time for a response from the Council;
* Questions or comments will not be permitted on items on the agenda referred from a concluded Public Hearing;
* Those appearing before Council must state their full name and city of residence, with the option to include other details such as address or neighbourhood, if it is helpful to the conversation;
* Those appearing before Council should address their questions or comments to the Chair;
* The Mayor is to be addressed as Mayor Dingwall and Councillors by that Councillor's surname preceded by Councillor. If Council wishes to pass a motion as a result of input received during the Question Period relative to an issue that is not on the agenda, a motion to temporarily suspend the rules is required.


Council's Strategic Priorities are included in each Council Meeting Agenda for reference. (Page 372)

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