Engagement & Priorities Committee of Pitt Meadows City Council to be held on Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Pitt Meadows City Hall, 12007 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, British Columbia.

Please join with Mayor Dingwall and Council in acknowledging that we meet on the traditional territory of Katzie First Nation



THAT the agenda for the October 27, 2020 Engagement & Priorities Committee meeting be approved.

THAT the minutes of the Engagement & Priorities Committee meeting held on July 28, 2020 be adopted.



THAT the Committee receive for information the:

A. Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee held:

A.1 September 10, 2020 (Page 5);

A.2 October 8, 2020 (Page 12); AND

B. Letter from Joe Bachmann, on behalf of the AAC, to Dr. Heather Bears, Zoetica Environmental Consulting Services, regarding The Environmental Inventory Management Strategy Project (Page 18); AND

C. Minutes of the Active Transportation Advisory Committee meeting held:

C.1 September 14, 2020 (Page 23); AND

D. Minutes of the Advisory Design Panel meetings held:

D.1 July 22, 2020 (Page 31);

D.2 August 5, 2020 (Page 36); AND

E. Minutes of the Community Check-In Task Force meetings held:

E.1 July 29, 2020 (Page 42);

E.2 September 30, 2020 (Page 46); AND

F. Minutes of the Economic Resiliency Task Force meetings held:

F.1 July 23, 2020 (Page 50);

F.2 September 17, 2020 (Page 53); OR

G. Other.

1. Development Permit Application for Golden Ears Business Park Phase 3 (Page 56)

1.1 Staff Presentation

1.2 Applicant Presentation

1.3 Community Engagement

THAT Council:

A. Receive for information the Staff Report titled "Development Permit Application for Golden Ears Business Park Phase 3" and dated October 6, 2020; OR

B. Other.

Staff Report

Attachment A - Part 1

Attachment A - Part 2

Attachment A - Part 3

Attachment B - Part 1

Attachment B - Part 2

Attachment C

Attachment D

Attachment E

Attachment F

To learn how you can participate in this EPC meeting or to register, visit
This meeting's proceedings will be broadcast live via the city's website and available as a recorded archive from the city's website over the internet. The name and address of speakers and any comments made during the meeting will form part of the public record.
As per the Community Charter (ss. 132-133), the Chair at a council meeting must preserve order. If the Chair considers that another person at the meeting is acting improperly or disrupting the council meeting, that person's behavior will be addressed. The Chair may order the person expelled from the meeting should the person choose to not adhere to the decisions of the Chair.
The following guidelines will apply for those participants wishing to engage in two-way dialogue during the Engagement & Priorities Committee meetings.   
* For each agenda item, once Council and Staff have had the opportunity to discuss the topic as presented, the floor will open for community dialogue, for a maximum of 30 minutes per agenda item, or otherwise at the discretion of the Chair.   
* Each guest will have an opportunity for up to five (5) minutes of dialogue with Council. 
* Questions or comments must pertain to the current agenda item, and will not be permitted on items not yet presented or not on the agenda.
* Those appearing before Council must state their full name and city of residence, with the option to include other details such as address or neighbourhood, if it is helpful to the conversation.
* Those appearing before Council should address their questions or comments to the Chair. 
* In cases where the Mayor is not presiding as Chair, the presiding member of Council will be addressed as Mr. or Madame Chair.
* The Mayor is to be addressed as Mayor Dingwall and Councillors by that Councillor's surname preceded by Councillor.

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