CITY OF PITT MEADOWS Regular Meeting of Pitt Meadows City CouncilAGENDATuesday, October 26, 2021 at 7:00 P.m. - 10:00 P.m.Council Chamber12007 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2B5Council acknowledges that we meet on the traditional territory of the Katzie First NationTHIS MEETING’S PROCEEDINGS WILL BE BROADCAST LIVE VIA THE CITY’S WEBSITE AND AVAILABLE AS A RECORDED ARCHIVEA.CALL TO ORDER Public Comments: B.LATE ITEMS Public Comments: C.APPROVAL OF AGENDA Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT the agenda for the October 26, 2021 Regular Meeting of Council be approved. D.QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD Public Comments: Maximum 15 minutes for each Q&C Period. One question or comment per speaker. Three minutes per person. Please see the 'Public Engagement at Council Meetings' Policy on the City's website for rules and procedures.To submit your comments in writing, please visit meeting’s proceedings will be broadcast live via the city’s website and available as a recorded archive from the city’s website. Any information shared during the Q&C Period will become part of the public record.E.ADOPTION OF MINUTES Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT the Minutes of the following Council meetings be approved as circulated:E.1October 5, 2021 Special (Pre-Closed) Meeting of Council Attachments | Public Comments1.2021-10-05 Special (Pre-Closed) Minutes of Council October 5, 2021.pdfE.2October 5, 2021 Regular Meeting of Council Attachments | Public Comments1.2021-10-05 Regular Minutes of Council October 5, 2021.pdfE.3October 19, 2021 Special (Pre-Closed) Meeting of Council Attachments | Public Comments1.E.3 2021-10-19_Special (Pre-Closed) Meeting of Council Minutes, Oct 19, 2021.pdfF.ANNOUNCEMENTS Public Comments: G.CELEBRATE PITT MEADOWS Public Comments: G.1Provincial Champions, Ridge Meadows U12 Pride Softball Team Public Comments: Ridge Meadows U12 Pride Softball Team was successful in their quest for a Provincial title this past August. Council would like the opportunity to congratulate the team on this significant win.H.DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Public Comments: H.1Metro Vancouver 2050 Presentation Attachments | Public Comments1.Metro_2050_Fall_Council_Presentation_PITT MEADOWS.pdfMayor Jonathan Cote, Chair of the Metro Vancouver Regional Planning Committee, Sean Galloway, Director of Regional Planning and Electoral Area Services, and Erin Rennie, Senior Planner, Regional Planning and Housing Services, to present to Council the draft Metro 2050 strategy.H.2TransLink 2050 Presentation Attachments | Public Comments1.Transport 2050 Council Presentation - City of Pitt Meadows.pdfEve Hou, Manager of Policy Development at TransLink, to present to Council an update on the Transport 2050 process.I.PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Comments: None.J.CONSENT AGENDA Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT the following item be received into the record:J.1Launch of the 2021 Premier's Awards for Excellence in Education Attachments | Public Comments1.Consent_2021 Premier's Award for Excellence in Education.pdfLetter dated September 27, 2021 from Minister of Education, Jennifer Whiteside, regarding promotion of this year's event recognizing outstanding education professionals who make exceptional contributions to benefit our schools, students and the community.J.2Closed Items Released to the Public Attachments | Public Comments1.Consent_Closed_Items_Released_to_the_Public_Q2_2021.pdfItems released from Closed Council Meetings as per Council's direction on September 28, 2021 [for items up to July 31, 2021].J.3Letter from Minister Lana Popham re: CP's Logistics Park Expansion Attachments | Public Comments1.Consent_196018 Pitt Meadows Letter.pdfLetter dated October 1, 2021 from Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (AFF), regarding appreciation of Council's discussion during UBCM and the City's advocating for agriculture in Pitt Meadows. J.4Unacceptable 9-1-1 Wait Times Attachments | Public Comments1.Consent_Adrian Dix_Unacceptable 911 Wait Times_Oct 15, 2021.pdfLetter addressed to the Hon. Adrian Dix, dated October 15, 2021, from City of Delta's Mayor Harvie, regarding ongoing concern as expressed by E-Comm President & CEO, associated with 9-1-1 wait times due to staffing levels at BC Emergency Health Services (BCEHS).K.STAFF/OTHER REPORTS Public Comments: K.1CP Logistics Park Opposition Strategic Plan Attachments | Public Comments1.BC Agriculture Council_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf2.City of Port Coquitlam_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf3.DFO_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf4.Health Canada_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf5.Metro Vancouver_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf6.Min Agriculture_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf7.Min ECCS_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf8.Min FLNRORD_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf9.MOTI_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf10.City of Maple Ridge_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf11.Fraser Health_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdfSamantha Maki, Director of Engineering & Operations, to provide an update on the CP Logistics Park opposition strategy, including letters sent to affected government agencies to help raise awareness of the negative impacts associated with Canadian Pacific Railway’s (“CP”) proposed Logistics Park: Vancouver (“LPV”).L.BYLAWS & PERMITS Public Comments: Recommended Motion:L.12022 Permissive Property Tax Exemptions Attachments | Public Comments1.Bylaw 2909__2021_-_Permissive_Tax_Exemption_for_2022.pdf2.Bylaw 2908__2021_-_Tax_Exemption_Bylaw_for_2018-2022_AMENDMENT.pdfRecommended Motion:THAT Council: Adopt the City of Pitt Meadows 2022 Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 2909, 2021; AND Adopt the Tax Exemption Bylaw Amendment Bylaw No. 2908, 2021; OR Other. L.2Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments Application for 11812 and 11816 Blakely Road Attachments | Public Comments1.Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments Application for 11812 and 11816 Blakely Rd.pdf2.A - OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 2854, 2020.pdf3.B - Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2855, 2020.pdfAnne Berry, Director of Planning & Development, to present the bylaws for third reading for the redevelopment of 11812 and 11816 Blakely Rd.Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Grant third reading to Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2854, 2020 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2855, 2020 for 11812 and 11816 Blakely Road, to permit the development of four townhouse units; ANDRequire the following conditions be fulfilled prior to adoption of Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2854, 2020 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2855, 2020:Electric vehicle charging stations for each unit secured through a registered covenant;A registered covenant to prevent garage conversion to living space;Payment of $20,000 community amenity contribution; OROtherL.3Temporary Use Permit No. 2021-001 for Sky Helicopters Attachments | Public Comments1.Sky Helicopters - Temporary Commercial Use Permit NO. 2021-001.pdf2.Attachment A_Site Plan.pdf3.Attachment B_ Neighbourhood OCP.pdf4.Attachment C_Neighbourhood Zoning.pdf5.Attachment D_Aerial Imagery .pdf6.Attachment E_Letter of Intent_PMAS.pdf7.Attachment F_Letter of Intent_Sky Helicopters.pdf8.Attachment G_TUP_2021-001_-_Sky_Helicopters_-_Pitt_Meadows_Airport_Society.pdf9.Attachment H_50 m buffer.pdfAnne Berry, Director of Planning & Development, to present an overview of the application from Sky Helicopters for a Temporary Use Permit.Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Approve issuance of Temporary Use Permit No. 2021-001 to Sky Helicopters to allow for special events to be held at their hangar located at #170-18799 Airport Way; OR Other M.COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS Public Comments: N.NOTICE OF CLOSED MEETING Public Comments: None.O.QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD Public Comments: Maximum 15 minutes for each Q&C Period. One question or comment per speaker. Three minutes per person. Please see the 'Public Engagement at Council Meetings' Policy on the City's website for rules and procedures.To submit your comments in writing, please visit meeting’s proceedings will be broadcast live via the city’s website and available as a recorded archive from the city’s website. Any information shared during the Q&C Period will become part of the public record.P.COUNCIL PRIORITIES Attachments | Public Comments1.Strategic_Priorities_Quarterly_Report Q4 2021.pdfA current copy of the Strategic Priorities Quarterly Report reflecting Council’s priorities and respective operational strategies.Q.ADJOURNMENT Public Comments: No Item Selected Attachments (0) | Public Comments (0)This item has no attachments1.2021-10-05 Regular Minutes of Council October 5, 2021.pdf1.2021-10-05 Special (Pre-Closed) Minutes of Council October 5, 2021.pdf1.Strategic_Priorities_Quarterly_Report Q4 2021.pdf1.Consent_Closed_Items_Released_to_the_Public_Q2_2021.pdf1.Consent_2021 Premier's Award for Excellence in Education.pdf1.Consent_196018 Pitt Meadows Letter.pdf1.Consent_Adrian Dix_Unacceptable 911 Wait Times_Oct 15, 2021.pdf1.E.3 2021-10-19_Special (Pre-Closed) Meeting of Council Minutes, Oct 19, 2021.pdf1.Bylaw 2909__2021_-_Permissive_Tax_Exemption_for_2022.pdf2.Bylaw 2908__2021_-_Tax_Exemption_Bylaw_for_2018-2022_AMENDMENT.pdf1.Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendments Application for 11812 and 11816 Blakely Rd.pdf2.A - OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 2854, 2020.pdf3.B - Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2855, 2020.pdf1.Sky Helicopters - Temporary Commercial Use Permit NO. 2021-001.pdf2.Attachment A_Site Plan.pdf3.Attachment B_ Neighbourhood OCP.pdf4.Attachment C_Neighbourhood Zoning.pdf5.Attachment D_Aerial Imagery .pdf6.Attachment E_Letter of Intent_PMAS.pdf7.Attachment F_Letter of Intent_Sky Helicopters.pdf8.Attachment G_TUP_2021-001_-_Sky_Helicopters_-_Pitt_Meadows_Airport_Society.pdf9.Attachment H_50 m buffer.pdf1.BC Agriculture Council_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf2.City of Port Coquitlam_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf3.DFO_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf4.Health Canada_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf5.Metro Vancouver_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf6.Min Agriculture_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf7.Min ECCS_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf8.Min FLNRORD_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf9.MOTI_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf10.City of Maple Ridge_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf11.Fraser Health_CP LPV Request for Comment.pdf1.Metro_2050_Fall_Council_Presentation_PITT MEADOWS.pdf1.Transport 2050 Council Presentation - City of Pitt Meadows.pdfThis item has no public comment