CITY OF PITT MEADOWS Public Meeting of Pitt Meadows City CouncilAGENDATuesday, May 03, 2022 at 7:00 P.m. - 10:00 P.m.Council Chamber12007 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2B5Council acknowledges that we meet on the traditional territory of the Katzie First NationTHIS MEETING’S PROCEEDINGS WILL BE BROADCAST LIVE VIA THE CITY’S WEBSITE AND AVAILABLE AS A RECORDED ARCHIVEA.CALL TO ORDER Public Comments: B.LATE ITEMS Public Comments: C.APPROVAL OF AGENDA Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT the agenda for the May 3, 2022 Regular Meeting of Council be approved. D.QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD Public Comments: Maximum 15 minutes for each Q&C Period. Registered speakers may speak once during each Q&C Period (on agenda items only) for a max. of 3 minutes including the time it takes for Council and Staff to respond. Please see the 'Public Engagement at Council Meetings' Policy on the City's website for rules and procedures.To submit your comments in writing, please visit meeting’s proceedings will be broadcast live via the city’s website and available as a recorded archive from the city’s website. Any information shared during the Q&C Period will become part of the public record.E.ADOPTION OF MINUTES Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT the Minutes of the following Council meetings be approved as circulated:E.1April 26, 2022 Regular Meeting of Council Attachments | Public Comments1.2022-04-26_Regular Meeting of Council Minutes, Apr 26, 2022_Draft.pdfF.ANNOUNCEMENTS Public Comments: None. G.CELEBRATE PITT MEADOWS Public Comments: None. H.DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Public Comments: H.1Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, Katzie Seniors Network - Year End Report to Council Public Comments: Heather Treleaven, Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, Katzie Seniors Network, to present an overview of the organization's year end report and activities.I.PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Comments: I.1Rezoning Application for 19746 Hammond Road Public Comments: Public Hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2899, 2021 to rezone the property to R-2 in order to permit subdivision into four lots. I.1.1Bylaw No. 2899, 2021 Attachments | Public Comments1.05-03-2022_-_bylaw_2899_2021_-19476_hammond_rd.pdfI.1.2Staff Report to Council - July 20, 2021 Attachments | Public Comments1.05-03-2022_-_council_report_-_first_reading_-19476_hammond_rd.pdfI.1.3Arborist Report Attachments | Public Comments1.05-03-2022_-_arborist_report_-_19476_hammond_rd.pdfI.1.4Landscape Plan Attachments | Public Comments1.Landscape Plan.pdfI.1.5Notice of Public Hearing Attachments | Public Comments1.05-03-2022_-_public_hearing_notice_-_2899_2021-19476_hammond_road.pdfI.1.6Written Submissions Public Comments: There have been no written submissions received prior to agenda production deadline. J.CONSENT AGENDA Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT the following item be received into the record:J.1Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month Attachments | Public Comments1.May is CF Awareness Month 2022.pdfEmail correspondence from Sandra Niven, Cystic Fibrosis Canada, requesting Council to recognize May as Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month.K.STAFF/OTHER REPORTS Public Comments: K.1Autonomous RCMP Detachment Conceptual Designs Attachments | Public Comments1.RCMP Detachment Conceptual Designs.pdf2.Attachment A Conceptual Drawings - Options A and B.pdf3.Attachment B Letter from Ridge Meadows Minor Baseball Association regarding Harris Park.pdfStaff, together with KMBR Architects Planners Inc., to provide an update and overview of the RCMP Detachment Project including conceptual designs.Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Approve Option B as the preferred conceptual design for the autonomous RCMP Detachment as presented to Council on May 3, 2022; AND Direct staff to proceed with the detailed design of the autonomous RCMP Detachment based on Option B; AND Approve $1,733,000 of the total project costs to be funded from the Facilities & Fixtures Reserve Fund - Major Buildings Reserve; OR Other.K.22021 Financial Statements and Audit Results Attachments | Public Comments1.2021 Financial Statements and Audit Results.pdf2.Attachment A CFO City Letter of Transmittal.pdf3.Attachment B KPMG LLP Auditor Report and Draft Financial Statements.pdf4.Attachment C KPMG LLP Audit Findings Report.pdfCheryl Harding, Director of Financial Services, to present the City’s 2021 financial statements to Council. Arianna Castonguay, Engagement Manager from KPMG Enterprise, will provide an overview of the audit findings. Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Accept the City’s 2021 financial statements and direct the Mayor and Director of Financial Services to sign the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position and forward the completed financial statements to the province as required by May 15, 2022; AND Direct staff to do a presentation of the City’s 2021 financial statements along with the 2021 annual report at the June 21, 2022 Council meeting; OR Other. K.3Public Art Projects 2022 Attachments | Public Comments1.Public Art Update 2022.pdf2.Attachement A Public Art Policy C046.pdf3.Attachment B_Arena Mural.pdf4.Attachment C Eco Sculpture Examples.pdfDiane Chamberlain, Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture, to provide information to Council on current and upcoming Public Art projects in Pitt Meadows.Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Direct staff to proceed with the Arena Mural Project, with updates to the artwork aligning with equity, diversity and inclusion principles, and subject to a completion date of December 31, 2022; AND Approve the Harris Road Street Banner Project and direct staff to proceed with a Call to Artist and the creation of a Public Art Community Project Working Group to select the artwork; AND Approve a $25,000 artist compensation budget for the Harris Road Street Banner Project, to be funded from the Public Art Reserve; AND Direct staff to proceed with the commissioning of an Eco-Sculpture Project to form part of a new pollinator garden at xcəwás (Waterfront Commons Park); AND Approve a $125,000 budget for the Eco-Sculpture, to be funded from the Public Art Reserve; OR Other. K.42022 First Quarter Report to the Community Attachments | Public Comments1.2022 First Quarter Report to the Community.pdf2.Attach A_2022 First Quarter.pdfMark Roberts, Chief Administrative Officer, to provide an overview of the priority topic areas and positive news stories for the period of January 1 to March 31, 2022.Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Receive for information the 2022 First Quarter Report for the Community highlighting the work and accomplishments of the City between January 1 and March 31, 2022; OR Other.L.BYLAWS & PERMITS Public Comments: L.12022 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw Attachments | Public Comments1.2022_Annual_Tax_Rates_Bylaw_No__2919__2022.pdfThe 2022 Annual Tax Rates Bylaw No. 2919, 2022 received the first three readings at the April 26, 2022, Regular Meeting of Council. Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Adopt the 2022 Annual Tax Rate Bylaw No. 2919, 2021; OR Other. L.2Temporary Use Permit Application for Pitt Meadows Dike Usage Enhancement Society Attachments | Public Comments1.Temporary Use Permit Application for Pitt Meadows Dike Usage Enhancement Society.pdfColin O'Byrne, Acting Director of Planning and Development, to present an application for a proposed temporary use permit for a non-profit paddling club, located on the north side of the Alouette River, near Menzies Crossing/Silver Bridge parking lot.Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Direct staff to draft a temporary use permit for Pitt Meadows Dike Usage Enhancement Society to use the upland portions of Lots 6 and 7, Plan NWP6144 for recreational paddling club use; AND Direct staff to notify surrounding residents within 488 m that Council will consider issuance of a temporary use permit for Pitt Meadows Dike Usage Enhancement Society to use the upland portions of Lots 6 and 7, Plan NWP6144 for recreational paddling club use at an upcoming Public Meeting of Council; OR Other.M.COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS Public Comments: N.NOTICE OF CLOSED MEETING Public Comments: None. O.QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD Public Comments: Maximum 15 minutes for each Q&C Period. Registered speakers may speak once during each Q&C Period (on agenda items only) for a max. of 3 minutes including the time it takes for Council and Staff to respond. Please see the 'Public Engagement at Council Meetings' Policy on the City's website for rules and procedures.To submit your comments in writing, please visit meeting’s proceedings will be broadcast live via the city’s website and available as a recorded archive from the city’s website. Any information shared during the Q&C Period will become part of the public record.P.COUNCIL PRIORITIES Attachments | Public Comments1.Q2 2022 Strategic Priorities Report.pdfA current copy of the Strategic Priorities Quarterly Report reflecting Council’s priorities and respective operational strategies.Q.ADJOURNMENT Public Comments: No Item Selected Attachments (0) | Public Comments (0)This item has no attachments1.2022-04-26_Regular Meeting of Council Minutes, Apr 26, 2022_Draft.pdf1.Q2 2022 Strategic Priorities Report.pdf1.05-03-2022_-_bylaw_2899_2021_-19476_hammond_rd.pdf1.05-03-2022_-_arborist_report_-_19476_hammond_rd.pdf1.05-03-2022_-_public_hearing_notice_-_2899_2021-19476_hammond_road.pdf1.May is CF Awareness Month 2022.pdf1.2022 First Quarter Report to the Community.pdf2.Attach A_2022 First Quarter.pdf1.Public Art Update 2022.pdf2.Attachement A Public Art Policy C046.pdf3.Attachment B_Arena Mural.pdf4.Attachment C Eco Sculpture Examples.pdf1.Temporary Use Permit Application for Pitt Meadows Dike Usage Enhancement Society.pdf1.2022_Annual_Tax_Rates_Bylaw_No__2919__2022.pdf1.2021 Financial Statements and Audit Results.pdf2.Attachment A CFO City Letter of Transmittal.pdf3.Attachment B KPMG LLP Auditor Report and Draft Financial Statements.pdf4.Attachment C KPMG LLP Audit Findings Report.pdf1.RCMP Detachment Conceptual Designs.pdf2.Attachment A Conceptual Drawings - Options A and B.pdf3.Attachment B Letter from Ridge Meadows Minor Baseball Association regarding Harris Park.pdf1.05-03-2022_-_council_report_-_first_reading_-19476_hammond_rd.pdf1.Landscape Plan.pdfThis item has no public comment