Regular Meeting of Pitt Meadows City Council to be held on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 07:00 PM by Video Conference.
Please join Mayor Dingwall and Council in acknowledging that we meet on the traditional territory of Katzie First Nation
A link to the livestream of this meeting’s proceedings will be available at shortly before the meeting begins.
The recording will then be uploaded to the City’s website the following day and available as a recorded archive.
C. |
THAT the agenda for the February 23, 2021 Regular Meeting of Council be approved. |
D. |
Maximum fifteen minutes at the beginning of the meeting and maximum fifteen minutes at the end of the meeting. Please refer to speaking guidelines in Section O as they pertain to the Question and Comment period. |
E. |
THAT the Minutes of the following Council meetings be approved as circulated: |
(1) February 2, 2021 Special (Pre-Closed) Meeting of Council (Page 1).
(2) February 2, 2021 Regular Meeting of Council (Page 3)
1. |
Pink Shirt Day 2021
Mayor Dingwall to highlight the importance of recognizing this global, annual event that encourages everyone to take a stand against bullying. |
G. |
H. |
None. |
J. |
THAT the following items be received into the record and respective Staff recommendations, where applicable, be approved by Council: |
(1) Re: City of Pitt Meadows Support for new Pitt Meadows Secondary School (Page 8)
Letter addressed to Korleen Carreras, School District 42, dated February 11, 2021, highlighting the City's full support of a request for a new Pitt Meadows Senior Secondary School (PMSS) to accommodate our growing community
(2) RE: BC Hydro Electrical Box Wraps (Page 9)
Correspondence received from the Pitt Meadows Heritage and Museum Society dated February 17, 2021, relaying appreciation to the City for its work on wrapping electrical boxes with a variety of heritage images.
(3) January 2021 Regional Calls with Minister Josie Osborne (Page 10)
Correspondence received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, dated February 17, 2021, relaying appreciation for the Mayor's attendance at the first regional call with Minister Josie Osborne and UBCM President Brian Frenkel.
A. |
Receive for information the 2020 Investment Update staff report dated February 12, 2021; OR
A. |
Direct staff to make an application to the UBCM Community Emergency Preparedness Fund, in the amount of $25,000, to purchase workstations for the EOC in the new Fire Hall; AND
B. |
Direct staff to make a regional application to the UBCM Community Emergency Preparedness Fund - ESS Supplies, in the amount of $50,000, on behalf of Katzie First Nation and the City of Pitt Meadows, to purchase a trailer and additional mass care supplies, with Pitt Meadows being the primary applicant; AND
C. |
Direct staff to make a regional application to the UBCM Community Emergency Preparedness Fund - Evacuation Route Planning, in the amount of $75,000, on behalf of the City of Maple Ridge, the District of Mission, and the City of Pitt Meadows, to devise a regional evacuation route plan, with Pitt Meadows being the primary applicant; OR
A. |
Receive for information the staff report titled "Waterfront Commons and Shoreline Parks Fraser River Edge Remediation Plan" dated January 26, 2021; OR
A. |
Receive for information the Staff Report titled ’Harris Park Outdoor Pool - 2021 Service Cancellation’ as presented at the February 23, 2021 Council Meeting; AND
B. |
Direct staff to cancel the 2021 season at the Harris Park Outdoor Pool; OR
A. |
Approve the single source purchase of two pumps from Sulzer Pumps (Canada) Inc. for the Baynes Rd Pump Station in the amount of $317,096.35, excluding applicable taxes; OR
A. |
Authorize the Mayor to send the letter named ’CP Logistics Park: Vancouver - City of Pitt Meadows Assessment of Comparative Site Evaluation’ dated February 16, 2021 and its attachment, to Canadian Pacific Railway; OR
A. |
Grant first, second and third readings to Council Indemnity Amendment Bylaw No. 2881, 2021; OR
A. |
Grant first, second and third readings to Drainage System Protection Amendment Bylaw No. 2875, 2021; OR
A. |
Grant third reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2868, 2020; AND
B. |
Require the following conditions be fulfilled prior to adoption of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2868, 2020:
B.1 |
Payment of $4,500 as Residential Community Amenity Contribution in accordance with Council Policy C091 and as offered by the developer; AND
B.2 |
Discharge of Covenant BM236561; OR
A. |
Direct staff to prepare Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments to permit the development of a five-unit townhouse project at 11812 and 11816 Blakely Road, including two live/work units; OR
N. |
None. |
O. |
This meeting's proceedings will be broadcast live via the city's website and available as a recorded archive from the city's website over the internet, worldwide. The name and address of speakers and any comments made during the question period will form part of the public record. As per the Community Charter (ss. 132-133), the Chair at a council meeting must preserve order. If the Chair considers that another person at the meeting is acting improperly or disrupting the council meeting, that person's behavior will be addressed. The Chair may order the person expelled from the meeting should the person choose to not adhere to the decisions of the Chair. The following guidelines apply to the Question and Comment Period for all Council Meetings: * Maximum time of Question & Comment Period is fifteen minutes at the beginning of the meeting and fifteen minutes at the end of the meeting; * Each person appearing before Council is limited to one question or comment per person until all persons have had an opportunity, then to a maximum of three questions or comments; * Persons present at the meeting are welcome to ask questions or comments on city-related topics; * Questions or comments should stay within a time frame of 3 minutes, which includes time for a response from the Council; * Questions or comments will not be permitted on items on the agenda referred from a concluded Public Hearing; * Those appearing before Council must state their full name and city of residence, with the option to include other details such as address or neighbourhood, if it is helpful to the conversation; * Those appearing before Council should address their questions or comments to the Chair; * The Mayor is to be addressed as Mayor Dingwall and Councillors by that Councillor's surname preceded by Councillor. If Council wishes to pass a motion as a result of input received during the Question Period relative to an issue that is not on the agenda, a motion to temporarily suspend the rules is required. |
P. |
Council's Strategic Priorities are included in each Council Meeting Agenda for reference. (Page 225)