Regular Meeting of Pitt Meadows City Council to be held on Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at
7:00 PM in the Council Chamber of the Pitt Meadows City Hall, 12007 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, British Columbia.
Please join with Mayor Dingwall and Council in acknowledging that we meet on the traditional territory of Katzie First Nation
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Minutes of the October 16, 2018 Regular Meeting of Council and Minutes of the November 6, 2018 Regular (Inaugural) Meeting of Council. (Page 1) THAT the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held on October 16, 2018 and Minutes of the Regular (Inaugural) Meeting of Council held on November 6, 2018 be adopted.
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Communication from Fortis BC, dated November 5, 2018, offering congratulations to Mayor and Council. (Page 14)
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Communication from Dan Ruimy, Member of Parliament Pitt Meadows Maple Ridge, dated November 6, 2018, offering congratulations to Mayor and Council. (Page 15)
A. |
Direct Staff to prepare an Amended 2018 - 2022 Financial Plan Bylaw reflective of the information in Tables A through E; OR
A. |
Receive the 2019 Proposed Budget Summary report for information; OR
A. |
Direct the Staff to form a Task Force to carry out a comprehensive review of Mayor and Council’s Total Compensation and propose recommendations for Council’s consideration; OR
A. |
Receive the report entitled "Council Priorities" dated November 8, 2018 for information; AND
B. |
Discovery Playhouse Children’s Society:
B.1 |
Direct staff to prepare a comprehensive report that details the current service level, requests for expanded services, space allocation, childcare assessment and funding opportunities, and the parks and recreation master planning process; and defer the decision until further information is received with respect to the availability of Provincial funding for the creation of a childcare spaces and completion of the childcare space assessment; OR
B.2 |
Direct staff to amend the Discovery Playhouse Children’s Society contract to include a renewal clause; and review lease rates as part of the contract re-negotiation with Discovery Playhouse Children’s Society; OR
B.3 |
Continue with the Discovery Playhouse Children’s Society contract as signed and executed; AND
C.1 |
Direct the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer schedule a meeting with the property owner of Golden Ears Business Park Phase 3 and 4 to discuss the use of lands for light industrial and alternative uses; OR
C.2 |
Take no additional action on land use at this time for Golden Ears Business Park Phase 3 and 4; AND
D.1 |
Rescind the following motion of Council from the April 28, 2015 Special Council Meeting that postponed the North Lougheed Special Study Area indefinitely and refer to the Official Community Plan Update Process for renewed consideration; OR
D.2 |
Take no action, which effectively continues to postpone the North Lougheed Special Study Area indefinitely; AND
E.1 |
Council recognizes and supports past and present efforts and contributions of volunteers in our City and also endorses this initiative as one way they want to give back to the community. While they hope to raise most or all of the monies required for the fireworks for 2019, by this motion, Council agrees to fund any shortfall to ensure the fireworks event continues as an integral part of the Pitt Meadows Day event; and
E.2 |
Address Pitt Meadows Day funding as part of Business Planning and through the development of a new partnership agreement; OR
E.3 |
Take no action concerning Pitt Meadows Day Community Fireworks; AND
F.1 |
Direct Staff to further investigate and update policy options for considering Council Code of Conduct and Respectful Workplace Policies and report back with recommendation in due course; OR
A. |
Receive the staff report titled ’Development Cost Charge Amendment Bylaw - Update’ dated November 6, 2018 prior to considering adoption of the Development Cost Charge Imposition Amendment Bylaw No.2809; OR
A. |
Receive the staff report titled "Major Road Network Expansion - Inclusion of Old Dewdney Trunk Road from Sharpe Road to Neaves Road"; AND
B. |
Endorse the Major Road Network Expansion to include Old Dewdney Trunk Road from Sharpe Road to Neaves Road to complete the MRN network within the City of Pitt Meadows; OR
A. |
Receive the report entitled "Future of Transportation in Pitt Meadows, Engagement Summary Report" dated November 8, 2018; AND
B. |
Direct staff to prepare a staff report with an analysis of the engagement results and identify next steps including any additional consultation with residents and members of Gateway Transportation Collaboration Forum, TransLink and Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for Council’s consideration and direction; OR
A. |
Adopt Development Cost Charge Imposition Amendment Bylaw No. 2809, 2018; OR
A. |
Receive the report entitled "Clarification of Zoning Bylaw Amendment 2797, 2018" dated September 10, 2018 for information; AND
B. |
Grant third Reading and adoption to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2797, 2018; OR
C. |
Amend Bylaw 2797, 2018 to delete section 15 "Part 16 - 16.9 Comprehensive Development I, 16.9.2 Permitted Uses is amended by deleting Secondary Suites and Garden Suites as an Accessory Uses."; AND
D. |
Amend Bylaw 2797, 2018 to delete section 6 " Part 4 - General Development Regulations is amended by adding Section 4.23" to regulate the use of shipping containers; AND
E. |
Grant Third Reading, as amended, and adoption to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2797, 2018; OR
L. |
M. |
There were no items received for this Meeting.
P. |
Council’s Strategic Priorities are included in each Council Meeting Agenda for reference. (Page 198)