Special Meeting of Pitt Meadows City Council to be held on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers of the Pitt Meadows City Hall, 12007 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, British Columbia.

Please join with Mayor Dingwall and Council in acknowledging that we meet on the traditional territory of Katzie First Nation


THAT the agenda for the March 10, 2020 Special (Public) Meeting of Council be approved.

Maximum fifteen minutes at the beginning of the meeting and maximum fifteen minutes at the end of the meeting. Please refer to speaking guidelines in Section O as they pertain to the Question and Comment period.

THAT the Minutes of the following Council meetings be approved as circulated:

(1) March 3, 2020 Special (Pre-Closed) Meeting of Council (Page 1).

(2) March 3, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council (Page 3).










THAT the following items be received into the record and respective recommendations be approved by Council:

1. February 19, 2020 Correspondence from Guy Lapierre, Live then Give (Page 9)  Letter regarding Green Shirt Day and National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week.

2. Creation of Risk-Sharing Model that Returns Strata Premiums & Owner Deductibles to 2019 Levels (Page 10)  February 26, 2020 letter from Mayor Darryl Walker, City of White Rock, requesting support and endorsement of motion at the 2020 LMLGA Conference.

3. Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation (MVHC) Affordable Housing - Expression of Interest - Potential Collaboration with the Province (Page 12)  March 2, 2020 letter from Mayor Dingwall to the Honourable Minister Katrina Chen and Honourable Minister Lisa Beare, regarding the Metro Vancouver Affordable Housing Expression of Interest and potential for collaboration with the Province for an on-site daycare.


1. Fire Hall Replacement - Project Update (02-0890-03/20)(Page 14)

THAT Council:

A. Direct staff to proceed with the tender package for the new Fire Hall based on the detailed design outlined in Attachment A of the March 3, 2020 Staff Report and incorporate feedback received at the March 10, 2020 Council meeting; OR

B. Other.

2. Pitt Meadows Airport Society Bylaw Amendments (01-0230-20/20)(Page 25)

THAT Council:

A. Approve the amendments to the Pitt Meadows Airport Society bylaws as presented at the March 10, 2020 Council Meeting; OR

B. Other.

3. Police Services Review Engagement Summary (04-1470-01/20)(Page 56) 

THAT Council:

A. Receive for information the Police Services Review Engagement Summary as presented at the March 10, 2020 Council Meeting; OR

B. Other.

4. Policing Service Delivery Model - Staff Recommendations (14-7400-01)(Page 79) 

WHEREAS the City of Pitt Meadows recognizes the health and wellness of its citizens as the highest priority; AND WHEREAS City Council believes that the unique needs of Pitt Meadows would be better addressed through an independent RCMP detachment; AND WHEREAS a third party consultation process has resulted in the recommendation of an independent detachment for Pitt Meadows based on key principles identified by Council, including: public safety; improved quality of life and well-being of citizens; improved police response, presence, and visibility; and improved accountability; AND WHEREAS Council believes that a higher quality of service tailored to the Pitt Meadows community is achievable through an independent detachment within the City's current annual operating budget; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Pitt Meadows City Council:

A. Confirm their intention to request an independent RCMP detachment for Pitt Meadows; AND

B. Direct the Mayor and CAO to submit a letter and business case for an independent detachment to Deputy Commissioner Jennifer Strachan, Commanding Officer "E" Division, and Minister Mike Farnworth, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, for their approval; AND

C. Upon approval of the independent detachment, direct Staff to:

C.1 Develop a joint communications strategy and transition plan with the City of Maple Ridge and Katzie First Nation Councils, RCMP, and the Province; AND

C.2 Prepare a business case that recommends either a renovation of the existing Community Police Office or construction of a new detachment building for Council’s consideration at an upcoming regular meeting; OR

D. Other.





This meeting's proceedings will be broadcast live via the city's website and available as a recorded archive from the city's website over the internet, worldwide. The name and address of speakers and any comments made during the question period will form part of the public record. As per the Community Charter (ss. 132-133), the Chair at a council meeting must preserve order. If the Chair considers that another person at the meeting is acting improperly or disrupting the council meeting, that person's behavior will be addressed. The Chair may order the person expelled from the meeting should the person choose to not adhere to the decisions of the Chair. The following guidelines apply to the Question and Comment Period for all Council Meetings: * Maximum time of Question & Comment Period is fifteen minutes at the beginning of the meeting and fifteen minutes at the end of the meeting; * Each person appearing before Council is limited to one question or comment per person until all persons have had an opportunity, then to a maximum of three questions or comments; * Persons present at the meeting are welcome to ask questions or comments on city-related topics; * Questions or comments should stay within a time frame of 3 minutes, which includes time for a response from the Council; * Questions or comments will not be permitted on items on the agenda referred from a concluded Public Hearing; * Those appearing before Council must state their full name, street name, neighborhood, and address for the record; * Those appearing before Council should address their questions or comments to the Chair; * The Mayor is to be addressed as Mayor Dingwall and Councillors by that Councillor's surname preceded by Councillor. If Council wishes to pass a motion as a result of input received during the Question Period relative to an issue that is not on the agenda, a motion to temporarily suspend the rules is required.

*COUNCIL PRIORITIES Council's Strategic Priorities are included in each Council Meeting Agenda for reference. (Page 88)

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