Regular Meeting of Pitt Meadows City Council to be held on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 07:00 PM by Video Conference.
Please join Mayor Dingwall and Council in acknowledging that we meet on the traditional territory of Katzie First Nation
A link to the livestream of this meeting’s proceedings will be available at shortly before the meeting begins.
The recording will then be uploaded to the City’s website the following day and available as a recorded archive.
C. |
THAT the agenda for the May 5, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council be approved. |
D. |
While City Hall is closed to the public in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, community members can participate in Question & Comment Period by sending an email to [email protected] Emails received prior to the meeting will be read out during the first Question & Comment period, in the order that they are received. Emails received during the Council meeting, pertaining to decisions made by Council that evening, will be prioritized and read during the second Question & Comment Period. A maximum of 15 minutes will be spent on each Question & Comment Period. Any questions received that are not addressed during the Council meeting will be responded to via email after the meeting. Please see Section O for correspondence guidelines and protocol for Question & Comment Period during this time. |
E. |
THAT the Minutes of the following Council meetings be approved as circulated: |
(1) April 28, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council (Page 1).
1. |
Covid19 - A Community Update
Mayor Dingwall and CAO, Mark Roberts, to provide a verbal overview and updates regarding latest findings, facts and community impact as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. |
G. |
None. |
2. |
TransLink Update
Sarah Ross, Director of System Planning with TransLink, will provide an update to Council on current challenges facing TransLink and strategies in place to address financial pressures. |
J. |
THAT the following items be received into the record and respective Staff recommendations, where applicable, be approved by Council: |
(1) Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month (Page 51) Recognition of May as Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month.
(2) Re: Property Tax Relief Legislation (Page 52)
Letter from Mayor Dingwall to Minister Robinson dated April 21, 2020 regarding Property Tax Relief Legislation.
A. |
Accept the City’s 2019 financial statements and direct the Mayor and Director of Financial Services to sign the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position and forward the completed financial statements to the province as required by May 15, 2020 ; AND
B. |
Direct staff to do a presentation of the City’s 2019 financial statements along with the 2019 annual report at the July 7, 2020 Council meeting; OR
3. |
Release of Rail Corridor Improvements Memorandum of Understanding (Page 119)
Mark Roberts to share a redacted version of the Memorandum of Understanding between CP, Vancouver Port Authority, and the City of Pitt Meadows that is now released to the public, pertaining to the Kennedy Rd Overpass and Harris Road Underpass rail corridor improvements. |
A. |
Temporarily suspend Council Policy C072 ’Grants and Cash Donations’ to allow for the new COVID-19 Financial Relief Grant Program.
A. |
Grant First, Second and Third Reading to the 2020 Tax Rate Bylaw No. 2856, 2020; AND
B. |
As per the authority granted through Ministerial Order 083 [local government meetings and bylaw process (covid-19) order], ADOPT the 2020 Tax Rate Bylaw No. 2856, 2020; OR
A. |
Direct Staff to publish notice that Council will consider Development Variance Permit No. 2020-001 at the May 26, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council; AND
B.1 |
Notify surrounding property owners, within a 50 m radius, that Council will consider Development Variance Permit No. 2020-001 at the May 26, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council; OR
B.2 |
Notify surrounding property owners, within an expanded radius of 250m, that Council will consider Development Variance Permit No. 2020-001 at the May 26, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council; AND
C. |
Direct Staff to take the radius for notification from the property on which the sign will be erected at 19100 Airport Way; OR
A. |
Direct Staff to notify residents within a 488-metre radius of 18423 Green Road that a Temporary Commercial Use Permit for a guard dog training facility will be considered at the May 26th, 2020 Regular Meeting of Council; OR
N. |
None. |
O. |
The following guidelines apply to correspondence submitted for Question and Comment Period: * All questions and comments must be submitted via email to [email protected]. * Only one (1) email per community member will be considered per Question and Comment period; * Each email submission must include a subject line identifying the topic of the email, as well as the community member's full name and city of residence. * Presentation materials, including PowerPoints, videos and handouts, will not be accepted or presented to Council. * Communications will NOT be announced or heard by Council during Question and Comment Period if the communication pertains to any of the following: * Any matter pertaining to a bylaw or zoning application that is the subject of a public hearing and has not yet been adopted; * Any matter that is before the courts, has been the subject of a claim for damages, or pertains to active requests for proposals; * Requests for financial or in-kind support; * The promotion of commercial goods or services; * Other topics deemed inappropriate, vexatious, frivolous, defamatory in nature, or contain abusive language. * The Corporate Officer reserves the right to limit or defer questions and comments from the public due to time constraints or inappropriate content. |
P. |
*COUNCIL PRIORITIES Council's Strategic Priorities are included in each Council Meeting Agenda for reference. (Page 178) |