CITY OF PITT MEADOWS Public Meeting of Pitt Meadows City CouncilAGENDATuesday, December 13, 2022 at 5:30 P.m. - 9:00 P.m.Council Chamber12007 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2B5Council acknowledges that we meet on the traditional territory of the q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie) First NationTHIS MEETING’S PROCEEDINGS WILL BE BROADCAST LIVE VIA THE CITY’S WEBSITE AND AVAILABLE AS A RECORDED ARCHIVEA.CALL TO ORDER Public Comments: B.LATE ITEMS Public Comments: C.APPROVAL OF AGENDA Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT the agenda for the December 13, 2022 Special (Public) Meeting of Council be approved. D.QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD Public Comments: Maximum 15 minutes for each Q&C Period. Registered speakers may speak once during each Q&C Period (on agenda items only) for a max. of 3 minutes including the time it takes for Council and Staff to respond. Please see the 'Public Engagement at Council Meetings' Policy on the City's website for rules and procedures.To submit your comments in writing, please visit meeting’s proceedings will be broadcast live via the city’s website and available as a recorded archive from the city’s website. Any information shared during the Q&C Period will become part of the public record.E.STAFF/OTHER REPORTS Public Comments: E.12023 Budget Deliberations Public Comments: Council to deliberate on the 2023 Budget.E.2Recap of the 2023 Budget Public Comments: E.3Review of Decision Packages Public Comments: E.3.1Park Road Traffic Calming Update [Engineering Division] Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Direct staff to remove the unsuccessful traffic calming measures from Park Rd between Bonson Rd and Lougheed Highway, including the speed cushions, adjacent parking restrictions, flashing stop signs, 30km/hr speed limit and reinstate the existing 50km/hr speed limit; AND Share information with the RCMP for targeted speed enforcement; OR Other. E.3.2Water Conservation [Engineering Division] Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Approve a $22,000 budget for a communications campaign around increased water conservation awareness and education over the next three years, including $10,000 in 2023, $7,000 in 2024 and $5,000 in 2025, all funded from the Water Reserve Fund; AND Direct staff to propose amendments to the Waterworks Bylaw No. 2891 to include residential water metering requirements for new or significantly renovated residences; AND Review and approve an annual $5,000 operating increase for maintenance and reading of the additional water meters; OR Other. E.3.3Heritage Hall Accessibility [Facilities Division] Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Approve a $525,000 capital project in 2023 to install a Thyssenkrupp Elevator in Heritage Hall, with the following funding structure: A one-time cost of $475,000, inclusive of a 40% construction contingency, to be funded from the General Facilities Reserve, with an anticipated $50,000provincial accessibility grant to cover the difference; AND An annual operating cost of $2,000 starting in 2023; AND Approve construction of a second floor accessible washroom and relocation of the coat/bar area for a one-time capital cost of $16,750 in 2023, funded from the General Facilities Reserve, and an annual operating cost of $500 starting in 2023; AND Approve construction of a second washroom (non-accessible) on the second floor for a one-time capital cost of $19,500 in 2023, funded from the General Facilities Reserve, and an annual operating cost of $500 starting in 2023; OR Other. E.3.4Labourer II [Operations Division] Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Review and approve a new permanent, full-time Labourer II position at an annual cost of $81,400 funded through taxation, to assist with maintaining the City’s growing demand for services and associated equipment, specifically during the winter season to ensure the safety of our community; AND Review and approve a one-time operational cost of $1,000 to set up the new position, funded through the Operating Reserve; OR Other. E.3.5Public Art Funding [Culture Division] Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Direct staff to transfer $50,000 annually from the Major Building Reserve to the Public Art Reserve, to be used for future Public Art Projects; OR Other. E.3.6Truth and Reconciliation Initiative [Culture Division] Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Direct staff to proceed with the planning for annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation initiatives, and to incorporate $5,000 into the annual operating budget to be funded through taxation; OR Other. E.3.7Rose Grabenhorst Garden Improvements [Parks Division] Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Direct staff to proceed with property improvements for the newly acquired land located at 13895 Harris Road for a future public garden and park space, inclusive of a Place of Remembrance, with the funding source being - $300,000 from DCC’s, and $150,000 from the Community Amenity Fund; AND Direct staff to proceed with the purchase of park maintenance equipment in the amount of $50,000, funded from the future capital reserve and an annual operating cost of $5,000; AND Commit to the replenishment of the Community Amenity Reserve Fund, should the City be successful in the Natural Infrastructure Fund grant application; AND Direct staff to increase the operating budget by $40,000 in 2023 for property insurance, utilities, invasive species control, mowing, etc.; AND Direct staff to increase the operating budget by $80,000 for additional annual maintenance costs in 2025 after the property improvements are completed; OR Direct staff to proceed with some immediate required repairs related to safety, and for design drawings and cost “D” estimates for the property improvements to be considered at a future date, with the funding source being $150,000 from the Community Amenity Fund; OR Other. E.3.8Pitt Meadows Athletic Park ["PMAP"] Space Planning [Parks Division] Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Direct staff to proceed with the space planning, conceptual design and construction cost estimates for Pitt Meadows Athletic Park and the adjoining 8 Acres of Amenity Lands, with funding in the amount of $75,000 from General Operating Reserve; OR Other. E.3.9Harris Road Park Space Planning [Parks Division] Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Direct staff to proceed with the space planning, design and construction cost estimates for Harris Road Park, with funding in the amount of $75,000 from General Operating Reserve; OR Other. E.3.10Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre Space Planning [Recreation Division] Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Direct staff to proceed with the space planning, design and cost estimates for the Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre, with funding in the amount of $75,000 from the General Operating Reserve; OR Other. E.3.11Aquatics Feasibility Study [Recreation Division] Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Direct staff to proceed with an Aquatics Feasibility Study, with funding in the amount of $75,000 from the General Operating Reserve; OR Other. E.3.12Agricultural Plan [Planning & Development] Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Approve an $80,000 expenditure from the Operating Reserve to hire a consultant to review and update the City of Pitt Meadows Agricultural Plan starting in 2023; OR Other. E.3.13Civic Centre Scoping Project [Planning & Development] Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Approve a $20,000 expenditure from the Operating Reserve to hire a consultant to carry out a scoping project to determine the requirements, needs opportunities and tasks involved in creating a Civic Centre Plan; OR Other. E.4Parking Lot Item from November 29, 2022 Business Planning Public Comments: Council to review the item as identified at the November 29, 2022 Business Planning Meeting.E.5Updated Dollar Impact Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Approve the operating and capital budgets presented on November 28 and 29, 2022; AND Direct staff to prepare the consolidated 2023 to 2027 Financial Plan Bylaw and Utility Fee Bylaws based on the budgets and decisions made on November 28, 2022, November 29, 2022, December 13, 2022 and December 14, 2022; OR Other. F.NOTICE OF CLOSED MEETING Public Comments: None.G.QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD Public Comments: Maximum 15 minutes for each Q&C Period. Registered speakers may speak once during each Q&C Period (on agenda items only) for a max. of 3 minutes including the time it takes for Council and Staff to respond. Please see the 'Public Engagement at Council Meetings' Policy on the City's website for rules and procedures.To submit your comments in writing, please visit meeting’s proceedings will be broadcast live via the city’s website and available as a recorded archive from the city’s website. Any information shared during the Q&C Period will become part of the public record.H.COUNCIL PRIORITIES Attachments | Public Comments1.Q4 2022 Strategic Priorities Quarterly Report.pdfA current copy of the Strategic Priorities Quarterly Report reflecting Council’s priorities and respective operational strategies.I.ADJOURNMENT Public Comments: No Item Selected Attachments (0) | Public Comments (0)This item has no attachments1.Q4 2022 Strategic Priorities Quarterly Report.pdfThis item has no public comment