CITY OF PITT MEADOWS Public Meeting of Pitt Meadows City CouncilAGENDATuesday, May 10, 2022 at 7:00 P.m. - 10:00 P.m.Council Chamber12007 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2B5Council acknowledges that we meet on the traditional territory of the Katzie First NationTHIS MEETING’S PROCEEDINGS WILL BE BROADCAST LIVE VIA THE CITY’S WEBSITE AND AVAILABLE AS A RECORDED ARCHIVEA.CALL TO ORDER Public Comments: B.LATE ITEMS Public Comments: C.APPROVAL OF AGENDA Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT the agenda for the May 10, 2022 Special (Public) Meeting of Council be approved. D.QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD Public Comments: Maximum 15 minutes for each Q&C Period. Registered speakers may speak once during each Q&C Period (on agenda items only) for a max. of 3 minutes including the time it takes for Council and Staff to respond. Please see the 'Public Engagement at Council Meetings' Policy on the City's website for rules and procedures.To submit your comments in writing, please visit meeting’s proceedings will be broadcast live via the city’s website and available as a recorded archive from the city’s website. Any information shared during the Q&C Period will become part of the public record.E.ADOPTION OF MINUTES Public Comments: Recommended Motion:THAT the Minutes of the following Council meetings be approved as circulated:E.1May 3, 2022 Special (Pre-Closed) Meeting of Council Attachments | Public Comments1.2022-05-03_Special (Pre-Closed) Meeting of Council Minutes, May 3, 2022_DRAFT.pdfE.2May 3, 2022 Regular Meeting of Council Attachments | Public Comments1.2022-05-03_Regular Meeting of Council Minutes, May 3, 2022_DRAFT.pdfF.ANNOUNCEMENTS Public Comments: None. G.CELEBRATE PITT MEADOWS Public Comments: None. H.DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS Public Comments: None. I.PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Comments: None. J.STAFF/OTHER REPORTS Public Comments: J.1Municipal Security Issuing Resolution – Police Building Loan Attachments | Public Comments1.Municipal Security Issuing Resolution - Police Building Loan.pdfCheryl Harding, Director of Financial Services, to seek Council's approval to proceed with borrowing for the autonomous RCMP Detachment.Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Approve borrowing from the Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia, as part of the 2022 Fall Borrowing Session, for $20,000,000 as authorized through Police Building Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2913, 2021 and that Metro Vancouver Regional District be requested to consent to our borrowing over a thirty (30) year term and include the borrowing in a Security Issuing Bylaw; OR Other.J.2Resolution to Amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2864, 2020 Attachments | Public Comments1.Resolution to Amend the Draft Official Community Plan.pdf2.Attachment A - OCP 2020 - Map 2A - Urban Land Use.pdf3.Attachment B - OCP 2020 - Map 10A - Urban Development Permit Areas.pdfColin O'Byrne, Acting Director of Planning and Development, to present Council with an amendment to Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2864, 2020, which if adopted, will capture the Official Community Plan amendment adopted on April 26, 2022.Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Amend Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2864, 2020 Schedule 3: Official Community Plan Maps, to re-designate 11812 and 11816 Blakely Road: from Residential - Low to Residential - Medium as shown on May 2A; AND from Development Permit Area No. 9, Ground-Oriented Residential to Development Permit Area No. 10, Multi-Family Residential as shown on Map 10A; OR Other. J.3Update on Firehall Construction Public Comments: Kasra Vahidi, Project Manager, to provide a progress update on the firehall construction, including milestones reached and next steps.K.BYLAWS & PERMITS Public Comments: K.1Drinking Water Conservation Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2923, 2022 Attachments | Public Comments1.2923__2022_Drinking_Water_Conservation_Plan_Amendment_Bylaw.pdfCameron Reimer, Manager of Operations, to present Council with an amendment to the City's Drinking Water Conservation Plan Bylaw to align with Metro Vancouver's updated lawn watering restrictions.Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Grant first, second and third readings to Drinking Water Conservation Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2923, 2022; OR Other. K.2Election and Assent Voting Bylaw 2922, 2022 Attachments | Public Comments1.Election Bylaw 2922, 2022.pdf2.Attach A - Election and Assent Voting Bylaw.pdfKate Barchard, Chief Election Officer, to present Council with a new election bylaw in advance of the upcoming general local and school elections, and to seek Council’s feedback on advance voting opportunities and election day voting locations.Recommended Motion:THAT Council: Grant first, second, and third readings to Election and Assent Voting Bylaw No. 2922, 2022; AND Direct the Chief Election Officer to plan for 2 additional advance voting opportunities, in addition to the two required advance voting opportunities, for the upcoming general local and school elections; ANDDirect the Chief Election Officer to coordinate voting places at South Bonson Community Centre, Heritage Hall, and the Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre for general voting day; OROther.L.COUNCIL LIAISON REPORTS Public Comments: M.NOTICE OF CLOSED MEETING Public Comments: None.N.QUESTION AND COMMENT PERIOD Public Comments: Maximum 15 minutes for each Q&C Period. Registered speakers may speak once during each Q&C Period (on agenda items only) for a max. of 3 minutes including the time it takes for Council and Staff to respond. Please see the 'Public Engagement at Council Meetings' Policy on the City's website for rules and procedures.To submit your comments in writing, please visit meeting’s proceedings will be broadcast live via the city’s website and available as a recorded archive from the city’s website. Any information shared during the Q&C Period will become part of the public record.O.COUNCIL PRIORITIES Attachments | Public Comments1.Q2 2022 Strategic Priorities Report.pdfA current copy of the Strategic Priorities Quarterly Report reflecting Council’s priorities and respective operational strategies.P.ADJOURNMENT Public Comments: No Item Selected Attachments (0) | Public Comments (0)This item has no attachments1.2022-05-03_Special (Pre-Closed) Meeting of Council Minutes, May 3, 2022_DRAFT.pdf1.Election Bylaw 2922, 2022.pdf2.Attach A - Election and Assent Voting Bylaw.pdf1.Municipal Security Issuing Resolution - Police Building Loan.pdf1.Resolution to Amend the Draft Official Community Plan.pdf2.Attachment A - OCP 2020 - Map 2A - Urban Land Use.pdf3.Attachment B - OCP 2020 - Map 10A - Urban Development Permit Areas.pdf1.Q2 2022 Strategic Priorities Report.pdf1.2923__2022_Drinking_Water_Conservation_Plan_Amendment_Bylaw.pdf1.2022-05-03_Regular Meeting of Council Minutes, May 3, 2022_DRAFT.pdfThis item has no public comment